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Day 7/100 Tired. Tried. I can't give up. #100daysofcode #BuildingPrugems
Building Prugems 6/100 Errors and doubt #100days of Code
Building Prugems 5/100 System was slow. Compilation process was a reincarnation of "flash flash 100 yards dash." Took a break and catch an episode of...
Building Prugems 4/100 Started working after taking a short nap because Mondays can't be Saturdays🥲. I wrote the profile page and battled errors...
I took a prayer walk. Fixed the codes on the navigation bar. Stopped coding before lunchtime because I'm somebody's daughter and their unpaid kitchen...
Day 2 of 100 I had to take a short pray walk today. Prayer brings peace😋 Made edits for the sidebar and top bar. Stopped writing codes by 3pm. I love...